Visitors & Newcomers

We are a church that is aiming to grow, so we are delighted when we have visitors and newcomers.

When you come to a Sunday service, you will be greeted at the door by our welcome team who can answer any questions you may have.

You may be offered a card to fill in that will help us keep in touch. There is an information desk at the front of the church which will be staffed directly after the service.

Our services include worship, prayer and teaching. Generally if you are able we stand to sing, we stand or sit to pray, and remain seated for the teaching from the Bible. Watching what others do is probably the easiest way to keep up with what is going on.

If you have a child in Sunday school, we really appreciate it if you can collect them as soon as the service is over. But please don’t leave before introducing yourself to somebody – we’d love to get to know you better!