Weekly Activities

As the lockdown lifts and Government advice allows we are restarting various activities as listed below.

Activities that take place during the week:

Sunday 11am Sunday worship
Rooted (13-18yrs)
Main building/Lounge
Small hall
Monday 9.30am
2.30pm monthly
5.45pm term time
Monday fellowship (over 50’s)
Boys and Girls Brigades
Church Lounge
Church Lounge
Throughout premises
Tuesday 10am - 12 noon
Community Cafe
Church lounge
Wednesday 2.30pm
7.30pm term time
Church lounge
Sunday club room
Thursday 7pm 1st and 3rd thursday each month Food bank Large Hall
Friday 10-11.30am term time
6.30-8pm term time
Parent & Toddlers
N:Gage Youth Club
Large Hall
Throughout premises