Frequently Asked Questions

What is church all about? 
What is a Baptist church? 
How can I find peace with God? 
Hasn't science disproved God? 
Can I get married at Woodside? 
Can I hire the church halls? 
Can I have my child ’christened’ at Woodside? 
How do I join the church? 
Isn't the church just after my money?

What is church all about?
As you explore this website you will see that church life is much more than just Sunday services. Woodside Baptist Church is a community in its own right. We like to think of it as a large family which, in turn, belongs to a much bigger national and worldwide family of God’s people. We meet regularly to worship together, and to socialise, but beyond that we have a pastoral outlook that focuses on supporting one another. We also regard interaction with the local community as important.
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What is a Baptist church? 
The Christian church is over two thousand years old, and has seen many shaping influences over the ages. Nowadays we can see evidence of these influences in the different denominations – groups who though united in the major truths of Christianity, differ in the detail of how they put these truths into practice. Baptist churches have been around in one form or another for over 400 years and have become one of the largest denominations. Two things that distinguish a Baptist church are the practice of baptism by total immersion and their independence from external church government. We baptise people who have come to a belief in Jesus Christ as described in the Bible. We believe that it is appropriate to totally immerse the person requesting baptism (except where medical grounds make it unwise). The baptism usually takes place during a church service and is an enjoyable occasion. Baptism signifies a break with the old life and the beginning of a new Christian life. Rather than being run and financed partially by a national organisation (as, for instance, the Anglican Church is), a Baptist church is organised by its own members and exists to a great extent independently.
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How can I find peace with God? 
The Bible tells us that when God made the world, it was his intention that mankind would enjoy his company and have a satisfying relationship with him. This was spoilt by mankind’s rejection of God. This spoiling can be seen in so many things around us – pollution, greed, selfishness and so on. The hunger for spiritual satisfaction that so many of us experience is a result of our separation from God. God has not given up on us. He has provided a way for us to find peace with him once again. Even in the mess we have made of the world. God himself became a man (Jesus), and took the punishment that the human race deserved. Jesus allowed himself to be put to death instead of us. But he did not stay dead. God raised him back to life and he is ready and waiting to forgive us and to be friends once again. For us to find peace with God, he only asks us to accept his gift of life through Jesus, to acknowledge and say sorry for all we have done wrong, and then to leave our old way behind and follow him.
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Hasn’t science disproved God? 
There are many scientists who are also Christians, and many more who acknowledge that the order and structure of the universe points to a creator. Science has collated what we know about the physical nature of the earth and can even offer suggestions as to how the world began. But it does not answer the questions – ‘Why?’ or ‘Who?’  Science is not anti-God, but is a way that God has given us to discover the physical nature of the universe.
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Can I get married at Woodside? 
The short answer is ‘yes’. The slightly longer answer is that we have some criteria to be met – the final decision is made by the Pastor. We believe that marriage is a gift from God and are delighted to consider requests for marriage in our church building. In the longer term we are happy to provide support, including the loan of videos and books, advertising marriage enrichment events and making contact with counsellors in case of relationship difficulties.
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Can I hire the church halls?
The church does not hire out its halls. Occasionally, we may allow those with a strong connection to the church to use the halls – a church member must be present for the whole event.
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Can I have my child ’christened’ at Woodside?
We do not baptise infants, only people who have reached their own decision to request baptism as a believer. However we offer an act of dedication, where we give thanks for the gift of a child and the parents make a commitment to bring up their child in the Christian faith. We are happy to consider such requests.
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How do I join the church? 
First of all, just come along. Most people spend a while getting to know the church and when the time is right, church membership can be applied for. To become a church member, you will have been baptised by immersion, and will have read and agreed the church rules and statement of faith. Membership applications are considered by a membership committee and then by the church meeting. We extend pastoral care and friendship to all who attend the church. However, those who are become church members, are regarded as having made a particular commitment to the church at Woodside and as such, have an important role to play in the working of the church.
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Isn’t the church just after my money?
There are many needy people and worthy causes in the world. We see our role as encouraging people to take up their responsibilities and to get involved in every way possible including giving money. Whilst the church may support individual charities from time to time, we seldom ‘fund raise’ as such, preferring people to get involved individually. Woodside Baptist Church is self-funded and so we encourage people to adopt a Biblical approach to giving and also encourage members to consider Gift Aid where possible. However, there is never pressure to contribute, neither is there anyone keeping a check. We are not money-centred, we believe that God will provide for us. Our priorities are set out in our Vision Statement.
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